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  • Hide title link

    Add this little code segment to your CSS to hide the title link in the slider, linked to the post:

    #slider .entry-title a {
    and save your changes.

    Hide navigation dots

    As you may recognize there are small dots in the center of the slider for a quick navigation to each image. In case you want to hide these dots add this to your CSS:

    .flex-control-nav {

    Hide navigation controls

    If you also want to remove the forward, backward, start/stop buttons on the right side of the slider try to add this to your CSS:

    .flex-direction-nav,.flex-pauseplay {

    Hide Picture Link

    In the slider.php after the line:

    <?php if( has_post_thumbnail() ) : ?>
    you have to exclude the following line, like in this example:

    ” rel=”bookmark” title=”<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>”>

    Hi David,

    I want to make it so that if you click on one of the pictures in slider, it WONT take you to the post. Is that the same as the “hide picture link” instructions you gave?

    I’m nervous because I’ve never messed around with the CSS before and I’m not sure I understand your instructions.

    I think this is the section of the coding you talk about above, but which part am I supposed to delete?

    <?php if( has_post_thumbnail() ) : ?>

    ” rel=”bookmark” title=”<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>”>
    <?php the_post_thumbnail( ‘slider-thumb’ ); ?>

    (I made the spacing a little different, not sure if that matters.)

    Here’s what my coding looks like in full:

    Thank you so much for your help!

    Hi davidgabunia! Your guide is really helpful. I tried to hide the title & picture link and it is successful. However for navigation hide, it only removes Pause button and not the forward/backward button. Can let me know the script for this. Thanks.

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