Disable in plugin settings vs. Elementor Element Manager
I have seen you recommended in anther post to use the Elementor native Element Manager to figure out which widgets are used / not used.
Now I wonder about disabling them.
Is there a recommendation wheather to disable them in the plugin settings vs. the Element Manager settings?
I tested to disable a widget in the plugin settings, but it was not disabled later in Element Manager. That means those are not in sync, therefore it would be good to know where its recommended to disable it.
edit: a little observation, I counted 47 widget in the plugin settings for the free version. In Elementor Element Manager I counted 44 widgets/elements when I filter the Essential Elements widgets. According to Element Manager, only 1 is in use (I didn’t develop the site). If I disable all 47 in the plugin settings, then enable that 1 again, it means as those numbers do not align, I disabled 2 more widgets that are maybe used on the site (or are maybe not used on that site). Please correct me if I see that wrong. The only way to figure it out is to compare 1 by 1 it seems.
edit2: the other way round it works, I disable in Elementor Element manager, then save, then I see them also disabled in the plugin settings. Only that I disable 44-1 = 43 widgets via Element Manager, but in the plugin settings all 47-1 = 46 widgets are disabled. So something does not fully add up here. Unless, I counted 3 times wrong but I think not. Not the end of the world obviously, but it’s always good for us to be able to rely on those systems.
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