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  • Plugin Author Kev Provance


    If you’re a theme user, you can’t. If you’re a theme author, add disable_google_fonts_link = true to your global arguments array. Your end users will not get the benefit of updated Google fonts. If you go that route, please include it in your documentation so they don’t ask us for support over your settings.


    Thread Starter Robert


    I’m more user than theme author. Currently, I’m building a website based on a theme that uses Redux Framework. Maybe there is a some config I can load in child theme’s functions.php file?

    Plugin Author Kev Provance


    Hide the notice via CSS? It uses the class name redux-update-google-fonts

    Thread Starter Robert


    It is not about the notice. On page load Redux checks if google_fonts.json file is up-to-date. But in my company’s network cURL communication is somewhat restricted, so every page is hanging for about 15 seconds, because Rexus trying 5 times

    cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 443 after 1294 ms: Couldn’t connect to server

    I got work-around this problem by changing the date of google_fonts.json file to the future. I thought that maybe there is a more correctly method to avoid such problems.

    Plugin Author Kev Provance


    Not at present, but I’ll add a filter to make this something one can control via a child theme.

    Thread Starter Robert


    OK. Thanks for your help in advance ??

    Plugin Author Kev Provance


    Also, it occurs to me, by default, Redux should not be automatically attempting to update Google fonts from the GitHub repo. My guess is that it happened when the update prompt showed, and someone clicked the ‘auto-update’ option. You can turn that off, but you’d have to update that option.

    In a child theme, add update_option( 'auto_update_redux_google_fonts', false );

    This will disable the automatic checking of the Google fonts repo. Then you can add the CSS to hide the prompt. Regardless, I’ll still add a filter in the next version, which may be soon.

    Thread Starter Robert


    OK. Thank again ??

    Plugin Author Kev Provance


    v4.4.13, which I just dropped, contained the filter to disable Google Font updates.

    You will need the Redux opt_name the project users. You can find that in the file the theme uses to set Redux options. It would the opt_name in the global arguments array.

    "redux/{opt_name}/field/typography/google_font_update" Return false.

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