This is X theme by Themeco with their editor Cornerstone. While Cornerstone and X Theme are REALLY amazing, I completely get where you’re coming from with the opinion that “page builders are the evil”. There are definitely times when I wish there was more control, but unfortunately there’s no turning back for this particular project (deadlines will be deadlines!)
I’ve extracted Cornerstone’s output for that “Training Phase” column so I can show you what I’m working with. Now… don’t freak out… there’s a lot of evil in store here!
[cs_column bg_color="hsl(0, 0%, 93%)" fade="false" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px" fade_duration="750" type="1/3" class="cs-ta-center" style="padding: 0 4em 2em;"][x_icon type="sitemap" icon_color="" bg_color="" icon_size="50px" bg_size="" bg_border_radius=""][x_custom_headline level="h3" looks_like="h4" accent="false"]Training Phases[/x_custom_headline][cs_text]Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim.[/cs_text][x_button size="global" block="false" circle="false" icon_only="false" href="/new-users/training-phases/" title="" target="" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" info_content=""]View Phases[x_icon type="angle-double-right" class="mvn mls mrn"][/x_button][/cs_column]
Now, this is automagically rendered out into the screenshot I shared above, and like I said – while I definitely agree with your opinion about editors, they’re unfortunately a necessary evil out in the realm of WP. So some sort of compatibility w/ shortcodes and front-end editors is a must for plugins in general to be successful. I think the trick here is somehow parsing the other plugins’ shortcodes without executing them (yet) OR first execute the shortcodes and THEN add the glossary code.
I tried this code out, for fun:
function returnContent($atts, $content = null){
return '...Start content::: '.$content.' :::End content...';
add_shortcode('return_content', 'returnContent');
…and that didn’t really work when I placed the opening and closing tags as separate elements surrounding the row. (page-builder view & front-end view)
I’m wondering what the trick would be to ignore the page-builder’s (Cornerstone’s) shortcodes until the glossary is done doing it’s thing… and then executing them, or rendering the built page before Glossary and then having Glossary do its thing?
Thank you very much for your time & feedback!