Hi @expresstechsupport, thanks for your response.
It is quite illogical to give Contributor roles permission to delete, WP doesn’t allow this for posts. Maybe its a feature worth considering in future release.
For the time being I managed to find a workaround using following edits to quizzes-page.php file, although I know that this not the right way to do it. I’m not a programmer myself.
if ( current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) ): // check for a capability that only admins have ?>
<option value="delete_pr"><?php _e('Delete Permanently', 'quiz-master-next'); ?></option>
<?php endif; // end of user capability check ?>
This can be used hide Delete & Bulk Delete options, although the file will be replaced if I update. Would wait for someone else from the community to share the thoughts.