By default it’s does not possible from the settings of the plugin to configure it, yet. But you can make this fix.
Please open this file ../{Booking Calendar Folder}/includes/page-bookings/bookings__actions.php
( you can check how to edit files in WordPress menu in this article https://wpbookingcalendar.com/faq/how-edit-file-in-wp-menu/ )
Then find this code:
case 'delete_booking_completely':
and replace it to this code:
case 'delete_booking_completely':
$user = get_userdata( $user_id );
$user_roles = ( empty( $user ) ? array() : $user->roles );
if ( ! in_array( 'administrator', (array) $user_roles ) ) {
/* WordPress standard roles: 'administrator'|'editor'|'author'|'contributor'|'subscriber' */
return false;
Disclaimer. Check more about, what support we are providing here https://wpbookingcalendar.com/faq/what-support-do-you-provide/
Thank you for understanding.
Kind Regards.