I’ve seen a few requests for this type of solution during my own quest. Having just come up with an alternative to manually changing each post’s settings *or* editing the database, I figured I’d post it here for the benefit of others.
In /wp-content/themes/YOURtheme/single.php replace all the if/elseif $post->comment_status and ‘open’==$post->ping_status with the following…
if(('open'==$post->comment_status) &&
echo ' You can follow any responses to this entry through the ';
post_comments_feed_link('RSS 2.0'); echo ' feed. ';
echo ' You can skip to the end and <a href="#respond">leave a response</a>. ';
echo ' You can <a href="'; trackback_url();
echo ' " rel="trackback">trackback</a> from your own site. ';
Then change comments_template(); to…
{ comments_template(); }
The resultant potential repetition of “You can” verbiage isn’t as elegant as the the default text, but it solves the issue of being able to turn off comment display/commenting in ALL posts in one shot using the Administration > Settings > Discussion “Allow people to post comments on the article” button, overriding each post’s individual discussion settings.
Hope this helps someone out there!