• I develop a block theme for an organization where we need to meet certain branding and accessibility requirements.

    I’ve been looking for a way to disable the automatic overlay color that is applied to new cover blocks as of WP 6.5. I would much rather specify the color, or go back to the default black that was set, as that will be more reliably accessible. Is there a way to disable this or force a default with theme.json or functions.php?

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  • Thread Starter ashuga


    Is there no way to do this? If so, it’s frustrating that I will have to revisit 200+ client websites to “fix” these overlay colors on cover blocks because there’s no way to control it as the theme developer.

    Is there a more appropriate place to discuss this?

    Moderator bcworkz


    This forum is the best place within www.remarpro.com. You could try wordpress.stackexchange.com, or try some patience to see if any further replies are still forthcoming here.

    One possible solution, albeit a rather poor one is to have a script run after page load that finds any undesirable overlay backgrounds and alters them to the preferred default. The problem here is if the cover is above the fold, users will see a brief flash of the wrong color before your script can alter it.

    Another possibility is to develop your own custom cover block that does exactly what you want. Of course you’d then need to do a global search and replace on all existing content.

    Neither are good solutions, but it’s all I can think of off the cuff. I hope you can find a better solution somewhere. Best of luck.

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