• Great plugin.
    Having one issue with a current attempt usage though.

    I’m attempting to call the shortcode via the do_shortcode command and for the life of me can’t get it to work.

    I can get it to work if I echo out the results but as I’m attempting to swap it on a filter I need to return the results and echo will just output to the top of the page. This is my attempt:

    if(isset($attr['gallery_type']) && $attr['gallery_type'] == "justified")
       $ids = $attr['ids'];
       /** Start an output buffer to capture the echo */
       echo do_shortcode('[justified_image_grid ids='.$ids.']');
       $output = ob_get_contents();
    return $output;

    If I remove the ob_get_clean I can return the results but again at the top of the page.
    My attempt above outputs nothing.

    Is it possible to call the function I need directly and pass in the ids to avoid the do_shortcode and store the gallery in a variable to be returned?
    If so what would that look like?

    Thanks for any assistance!


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