@cena thinking about an implementation, I could imagine that a student could be directed to his/her current lesson directly after logging in, but that is not that easy since he or she could already be logged in, courses could be free, students may have multiple courses (which should we then select?) and our course implementation is part of an integrated website where courses are only part of the functionality. That path would probably be a bit complex to figure out all possible scenarios.
What I’m asking is just to reduce the number of steps a student has to take to get to where he or she probably needs to go (normally the next unfinished lesson according to the course progress of the student).
Right now, a student first needs to navigate to the course page and then scroll through the course page content (or use a button) and then scroll through the lessons list and then click on the appropriate lesson. Especially on a mobile device with a small screen that can be a nuisance.
One way to skip steps would be the My courses page. There Sensei LMS shows already a course results button, which brings students to the course results page, but there could also be a “continue with the course” button/link, or something like that, bringing the student directly from the archive page to the appropriate lesson.
In that case the student can just bookmark the my courses page and the next unfinished lesson/quiz is just a click from there. And course developers could make that archive something like a student profile page.
Also the same button/link/functionality would be nice to have as a gutenberg block (a shortcode would work too), so it can be placed at the top of the course page. Then a student can bookmark the course page and at the top will find a way to navigate to the next unfinished lesson/quiz.
I could also imagine a query-var in the course pages url results in a redirect to the next unfinished lesson/quiz. That would give developers an easy way to implement any way they want to direct students, by just linking to this special URL.
Something like that. Having said that… Is there a right direction for you to point me in?
Thanks, Regards, Hans