Digital Downloads and Physical Products on 1 Product Page
Hi I found this topic “Can I sell digital download and physical on the same page, but am not allowed to reply, or atlas my comment is not showing up, so I wanted to write it here.
@jamespictures and @mikejolley,
My name is Timothy and am in the exact same boat (Exact same offers for my photography and all)! I tried setting up my variables as suggested, but the additional options are not hiding if either Downloads or Prints is selected. Like @jamespictures, I have spent the last week now stuck on this one problem that I am having and it is literally draining me and driving me crazy ?? I wanted to post my settings from WordPress and how it looks on the website and see if there’s any errors you all noticed or solutions that might be given. For whatever reason, it is still displaying all the options up front on the website and it would be great if the additional options would not be shown until either Downloads or Prints was selected.
Side note: I have installed a plugin called “Extra Product Options” and it allows me to style the Native Variable products and add either checkboxes, radiobuttons, or color?swatches, as well as set conditional logic for extra product options only (Conditional logic does not work for the Native Variable Products as it?does not create new Variable products, only options). All that being said, ?that’s why you will see radio buttons and such. If the following set up is?correct,?then when it comes to the attributes greying out, it?may be a conditional logic issue (as stated, Extra Product Options’ Conditional Logic does not apply to native variable products). If so, how would one set conditional logic to the variables?that I currently have? ?I would absolutely appreciate any and all help with this!!
My Current Attributes Configuration:
Format: Download, Prints
Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, 5×7, 8×10, 20×30WordPress Settings
- Variation for Downloads
- Variation for Prints
How it Displays on My Site
- If Downloads is selected it still shows Print Sizes, but are greyed out:
- If Prints is selected it still shows Download Sizes, but are greyed out:
- I can still see and select the following sizes even though Prints or Downloads wasn’t selected, same for the opposite size:
I hid?the additional options with photoshop just as an example of what I am trying to achieve:
- How it would look like if Downloads was selected:
- How it would look like if Prints was selected:
- Variation for Downloads
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