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  • Thread Starter ayf1


    I’m sorry for not translating what appears on the google page.

    Translation of: O servidor remoto retornou um código de resposta inválid is The remote server returned an invalid response code.

    Plugin Contributor Michel Jongbloed


    Hello ayf1,

    Does the folder wp-content/plugins/wp-product-feed-manager-support exist on your server and if so does it actually include the xml file?

    If not, does your wp-admin account have read/write rights?

    Thread Starter ayf1


    Thank you sincerely for the quick response.

    I looked on my server and the folder exists, however the directory “feed” is empty.

    Plugin Contributor Michel Jongbloed


    The image shows the wp-content/plugins/wp-product-feed-manager folder. Please check if the wp-content/plugins/wp-product-feed-manager-support folder exists.

    The first folder (the one in the image) is the plugin folder but the folder you need to check is a support folder that should contain a feed subfolder and that feed subfolder should have the xml file.

    Thread Starter ayf1


    have to apologize for my slowness in understanding what is being asked, and be elongating the topic.

    Unfortunately the folder does not exist.

    I have no problems about access to my cpanel.

    If you want to do some testing, I am open to any kind of help that you can offer.

    I greatly appreciate the help you are giving me.

    Plugin Contributor Michel Jongbloed


    Ok, in that case it has something to do with the read/write rights.

    Can you confirm that your wp-admin account has Administrator rights? You can check this by

    – selecting “Users” => “Your Profile”,
    – check what your current “Username” is,
    – select “Users” => “All Users”,
    – check the “Role” of the current username.

    It should be Administrator

    Thread Starter ayf1


    I tried with my User that has administrator permissions and also with the admin account.
    I tried a new file with the admin account, this time not needed or allow FTP.
    But unfortunately nothing different happened.
    So I ask a little more patience with this inexperienced User.

    Plugin Contributor Michel Jongbloed


    Ok, the new update is online now (version 0.16.0) and this update will make sure the support folder is writable.

    Please proceed as follows:
    – Deactivate the plugin through the wp-admin plugin page
    – Remove the wp-content/plugins/wp-product-feed-manager-support folder (including its subfolder)
    – Update the plugin and activate it again
    – Check if you now can make and save a feed

    For now I will mark this topic as resolved. Please let me know if it didn’t.

    Hoi Michel,

    Ik ondervind ook hetzelfde probleem. Op mijn server in het bestand ‘feeds’ zie ik geen xml bestanden staan welke ik eerder heb opgeslagen.

    De producten worden wel opgehaald in mijn WP dashboard en hier zie ik de link ook verschijnen, maar deze werkt niet (omdat het niet opgeslagen kan worden?). De bestandsrechten staan goed ingesteld.

    Hoe kan ik het alsnog oplossen?

    Plugin Contributor Michel Jongbloed


    Hallo Alvie23,

    Had je de hierboven genoemde procedure al een keer uitgevoerd? Dus:

    1. Stel zeker dat je de laatste versie van de plugin hebt (versie 0.19.0)
    2. Verwijder de map wp-content/plugins/wp-product-feed-manager-support (let op, niet de gewone plugin map dus, maar de support map)
    3. Ga naar de plugins pagina van wp-admin en de-activeer de Woocommerce Product Feed Manager en activeer hem weer.
    4. Maak een nieuwe feed aan.
    5. Laat me even weten of dit werkt ??

    Dag Michel,

    Ik heb bovenstaande geprobeerd, maar het werkt niet. Ik zie de feed link wel staan met de aantal producten, alleen werkt deze niet. Daarnaast kan ik hem niet in de Google Merchant Center laden.

    Plugin Contributor Michel Jongbloed


    Hoi Alvie23,

    Heb al je overwogen om tijdelijke toegang toe te staan? Het zou ons enorm helpen om dit probleem op te kunnen lossen aangezien we deze fout op onze servers niet kunnen reproduceren. Daarnaast zou het natuurlijk jouw probleem op kunnen lossen, dus het is wat mij betreft zeker de moeite waard.

    Als je dit liever niet wilt, laat het dan ook even weten want dan moet ik even bekijken of er andere mogelijkheden zijn om dit op te pakken.

    Ik hoor graag van je,

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @michel-jongbloed I’ve deleted your offer to login to your user’s site. I’m am 100% sure you mean well but please never ask for credentials on these forums.

    Now for the why: The internet is a wonderful place full of very nice people and a few very bad ones. I’m sure everyone here is very nice however, by giving some ones keys to your house you are trusting they wont steal anything. Likewise the person who takes the keys is now responsible for the house FOREVER.

    If something was to go wrong, then you the author may well legally become liable for damages, which they would not normally have been as their software is provided without warranty.

    Please be aware that repeatedly asking for credentials will result in us asking you to repeatedly stop before escalating up to the plugins team.

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