• Hello there,
    I have wordpress blog where i turned on permalink option and have urls rewritten. All that is clear and cool, BUT I would like to use different structure of that URLs. For example: Categories are being rewritten with domain.com/category/name-of-cat, or posts with domain.com/post-slug etc. Now my main concern is different structure for categories.

    I would like to have domain.com/something/name-of-cat. Basically I want to replace generic “category” with something different, like the name of page is (domain.com/page-name/). Do u understand me?

    That’s why I want to have all posts that are posted in one category have the following url: domain.com/category-name/postname or domain.com/cat2name/post2slug etc.

    Also another question is regarding my own ‘structures’ in the url. For example I would like to create a virtual folder called blog within the certain category…like domain.com/apple/blog where all posts I’m adding to category Apple will show up on ‘blog’ page. Actually in this example apple is a static page.

    I hope you understood my questions….Please help me out!

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