Hi @hawaii2
Officially until now, this plugin supports only standard posts and pages.
However, if you need it only on a few products you can do this:
Update the plugin to version 1.0.6
Open your wp-config.php and add this code before the comment /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */
define( 'EOS_SW_CUSTOM_URLS',array(
'product/product-sample/' => 'twentytwenty'
) );
replace “product/product-sample/” with what you need and twentytwenty with the theme you want to load.
This method is feasible for a few products, but if you need it for all products and you have many of them, unfortunately, you have no easy solutions.
If you have more products, you need something that looks like:
define( 'EOS_SW_CUSTOM_URLS',array(
'product/product-sample/' => 'twentytwenty',
'product/product-sample-2/' => 'twentytwenty'
) );
The method described above will work for whatever post type if you need it.
I hope it helps.