Hey @trooper_d5x
AMP support was added in version 1.2. Here are the changes:
= 1.2 =
* Date: 06.February.2018
* New Feature: Support for theme-color.
* New Feature: Now you can edit the Application Name and Application Short name.
* New Feature: Set the start page of your PWA.
* New Feature: Set AMP version of the start page. Supported plugins: AMP for WordPress, AMP for WP, Better AMP, AMP Supremacy, WP AMP.
* UI Improvement: Better organization of plugin settings. More intuitive with inline help.
* UI Improvement: Added admin notice with a link to settings page on plugin activation.
* UI Improvement: Added checks for manifest, service worker and HTTPS and display the status neatly in the UI.
* Bug fix: Fix a parse error that showed up only on PHP 5.3.