• Resolved UserDG


    I have a question…

    There’s a price range, in every price range different interest, but how about the no. of terms? Every terms have different interest also.


    If the client input product amount with 7000 and price range is 5,000 to 12,000, the interest is .80 and he choose 18 months of terms (this terms has 64%)

    How can I compute this?

    Here the equation

    var interest = 0;
    if(5000<=fieldname1 && fieldname1<=12000) interest=0.994;
    if(12001<=fieldname1 && fieldname1<=30000) interest=0.9351;
    if(30001<=fieldname1 && fieldname1<=60000) interest=0.9351;

    CEIL(fieldname1-fieldname2 / (1- (1 / (1 + interest/12)*exp(fieldname3))) / interest/ 12)

    Fieldname1 = Amount
    Fieldname2 = Downpayment
    interest = declare as interest
    fieldname3 = no. of terms (dropdown)
    *but the no. of terms have a different interest in price range


    Product Amount No. of terms
    9 mos. 12mos. 15mos. 18mos.
    MOBILE PHONES 5,000 12,000 99.40% 93.51%
    MOBILE PHONES 12,001 30,000 97.55% 91.70% 86.07%
    MOBILE PHONES 30,001 60,000 93.83% 89.88% 84.29% 79.01%


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  • Plugin Author codepeople



    You can nesting conditional statements. I will give you an idea with a specific case, and you should extend it to the other conditional statements:

    if(30001<=fieldname1 && fieldname1<=60000)
    if(fieldname3 == 9) interest=0.9383;
    else if(fieldname3 == 12) interest=0.8988;
    else if(fieldname3 == 15) interest=0.8429;
    else interest=0.7901;

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter UserDG


    Even the dropdown have inputted value like the no. of months?

    Thread Starter UserDG


    Is this possible?

    if(5000<=fieldname1 && fieldname1<=12000)
    if(fieldname3 == 9) interest=0.994;
    else if(fieldname3 == 12) interest=0.9351;
    else interest=”;
    if(12001<=fieldname1 && fieldname1<=30000)
    if(fieldname3 == 9) interest=0.9383;
    else if(fieldname3 == 12) interest=0.917;
    else if(fieldname3 == 15) interest=0.8607;
    else interest=”;
    if(30001<=fieldname1 && fieldname1<=60000)
    if(fieldname3 == 9) interest=0.9383;
    else if(fieldname3 == 12) interest=0.8988;
    else if(fieldname3 == 15) interest=0.8429;
    else if(fieldname3 == 15) interest=0.7901;
    else interest=”;

    Plugin Author codepeople



    Yes, of course that’s possible, but take care with the values assigned to the “interest” variable. If you are using the variable in a mathematical equation, it should not be a text, and in this case interest=”; the value of the variable is a text.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter UserDG


    I have now this script:

    var interest = 0;
    if(5000<=fieldname1 && fieldname1<=12000)
    if(fieldname22 == 9) interest=0.994;
    else if(fieldname22 == 12) interest=0.9351;
    else interest=0;
    if(12001<=fieldname1 && fieldname1<=30000)
    if(fieldname22 == 9) interest=0.9383;
    else if(fieldname22 == 12) interest=0.917;
    else if(fieldname22 == 15) interest=0.8607;
    else interest=0;
    if(30001<=fieldname1 && fieldname1<=60000)
    if(fieldname22 == 9) interest=0.9383;
    else if(fieldname22 == 12) interest=0.8988;
    else if(fieldname22 == 15) interest=0.8429;
    else if(fieldname22 == 15) interest=0.7901;
    else interest=0;

    function PMT() {
    return PMT (fieldname22 * (fieldname1-fieldname2 * POW ((fieldname22+1), fieldname22) + , ))) / (( interest + 1) * POW ((interest+1), fieldname22) 0));

    return CEIL(fieldname1-fieldname2 / (1- (1 / (1 + interest/12)*exp(fieldname22))) / interest/ 12);

    But still, the result is not displaying

    Plugin Author codepeople



    I’ve answered another ticket, with the reasons why your current equation is failing.

    Best regards.

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