• I’m not sure how I’m going to explain this, but I’ll give it a shot because I really want to put my entire site into WP.

    I have a homepage: https://www.steinruckdesign.com that has nothing to do with the blog.

    I have the journal: https://www.steinruckdesign.com/journal/ that is the homepage of the blog.

    My goal is to put all the sections, About, Resume, Work, etc into a WP template so that the whole site is driven by WordPress.

    I’ve figured out from some helpful posts how to put my index.php page into the root directory and keep all the WP files in the /journal directory. But the problem is that I can’t figure out a way to keep my current homepage (without the blog stuff) and make the blog address still be /journal.

    In the template system, index.php obviously has special meaning as “Home” especially when using the ‘_is’ functions.

    Can anybody help me out here? Am I missing something completely or is this just not an option?

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  • in wordpress 1.3 you can go to “write” then “write pages” enter all your content there. i think thats what you’re trying to accomplish.

    Check out my site: https://www.softerware.net
    To get to the blog append /blog

    I’m in the midst of merging the two, like I believe you want to do.
    If so, email me (link on site) and I’ll help you out….

    See this poster who wants to do the same thing.

    I am looking into doing exactly the same. I even have much the same setup as you do — a root index, and a journal. (www.noscope.com)

    Currently, the only solution I can think of, is to change the Blog address URI to /, and add “journal” to the permalinks page so that all blog posts are sub posts of that page.

    The only catch (provided this would work), would be that one would have to manually change the URL that is pinged when posting. Or else, the / would be pinged, where past pings came from /journal. To fix this, (i think), one would have to edit xmlrpc.php.

    Can anyone see anything that wouldn’t work in such a setup? Perhaps a better solution?

    Joen! glad to see you here. I email you about this, assuming you had figured it out already. What youre doing really seems to work. fooled me anyhow (but maybe that’s not saying so much…)

    I would love to be able to do this.

    index (with news, one post, recent activity)
    | \ \
    journal other script second install

    i’m doing something way too complex right now…
    all i really need is an independent index that can communicate with wp directly (not rss.)


    Well, the thing is, everything works now, so I don’t NEED to change things. The ONLY reason I want to, is to be able to have “pages” in my root directory, which I cannot do if /journal/ is my wp root. Oh, and to be able to use wp 1.5 themes.

    If you just want to be able to use wordpress post loops, template functions, textile, staticize and all those other things, it is enough to create a php file, place it wherever you want to, and at the top of that file write

    <? /* Start WP */ require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'/journal/wp-blog-header.php'); ?>

    That’ll start wordpress, which has been enough for me for the time being.

    Darn it Joen. I was looking at your site as an example too. That’s how I’d like to organize my site, but I’m also hoping to use WP “pages” to do the work for me. I just assumed that you would have figured it out by now ??

    I believe you can have a blog URI and a site URI. Just point your site URI to: https://www.mysite.com/wp/ and have your blog URI point to: https://www.mysite.com and I think it will do what you people are explaining.. I have that currently setup at https://www.navidazimi.com (everything is driven by WP 1.5 even though its not installed in the root folder)

    I tried that… and then I get page not found messages all over the place… Admin pages are all set to /wp and show up as not found.

    Ok… I have MOST of this working now with some side help, but I’m still having a problem with my template.

    I want to make the home page not have “the loop” on it. I tried doing this code on my index.php page but I get an error.

    (I cut out DIVs and unrelated code)

    <?php if (is_home()) { ?>

    Code about the Home Page

    <?php elseif (have_posts()) : ?>
    <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    \\\\ Post Code from Kubrick \\\\\
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    <?php else : ?>
    \\\\\ Page not Found Kubrick Code \\\\\\

    <?php endif; ?>

    I’m getting this error
    Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ELSEIF in
    (at the first ElseIf line)

    Is this a syntax issue that I’m writing wrong or can’t I do what I’m trying to do?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    After I get this fixed, I can move on to screwing up the next part of the template ??

    – Ed

    You have an else an no related if.

    What structure do you want?

    if { }
    elseif {}
    –> while {}
    else {}


    if { }
    elseif {}
    while {}
    if {}

    Sorry for the long reply. I thought I had figured it out, but I was wrong.

    I believe I’m looking to do the first one. I want to say, “if it is the home, show this HTML, othwise, show the loop”

    Sorry if I bother you but I don’t understand how you reach the solution, do you know any tutorial or How-To I could read? I’m interestand in doing the same thing with my site but I’m a newbie.

    This is what I am doing. Install WP in the root directory. Create a home.php . It loads by default. It also passes the user onclick to index.php. Then in home.php delete what you do not need.

    There is no requirement to run the_loop in any of the pages. In practice, it’s usually pointless not to as that is the driving pin for WP but it’s an option.

    Secondly, as Root pointed out, home.php (in your theme dir) is higher in the template hierachy and executes first, preempting index.php. This page is called on the home page only. I’ve exploited this on my site as a mechanism to switch from 3 col to 2 col but there is no reason why you can’t use it as a static boilerplate page.

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