Hey Podz:
So I’ve kinda/sorta made slight modifcations to your code in order to work with my forthcoming site, but I’m a bit sqeamish to try it yet. Wanted you or someone to double-check and answer a question or two before I give it a go.
So this is the code that I would put into my header.php file in the theme I’m using. I have multiple banners that I’d like to invoke, depending on the category or page…
<div id=”header”
class=”<?php if(is_home()) echo(‘header1’);
elseif(is_category(‘Charts’) ) echo(‘header2’);
elseif(is_category(‘News’) ) echo(‘header3’);
elseif(is_category(‘Playlists’) ) echo(‘header4’);
elseif(is_category(‘Reviews’) ) echo(‘header5’);
elseif(is_category(‘Podcasts’) ) echo(‘header6’);
elseif(is_page(‘guestbook’))echo(‘header12’); ?>”>“><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>
At the moment, my style sheet has the header like this…
#header {
background: url(images/ul-banner.png) no-repeat;
height: 145px;
So would I be able to get away with making something like…
#header2 (and the code)
Or do I need to do it another way? I’m intrigued by getting this all to work with a minimal amount of coding. Thanks in advance!