• I am asking two questions

    My current theme which is heavily customized from the original, has a header image.
    My wp installation uses pages instead of posts.
    How can I make it so each page has a different header image (not randomly but a specific file for each page).

    second question for a completely seperate wp installation from above: how can I make it so (again, wp installation #2 is page based and not post based) each page has a different widgetized sidebar?

    Thank you in advance.

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  • This is exactly what I want to know… I wish you could choose to edit the sidebar when you edit a ‘page.’

    Also, I’ve gone from a html site with 5 pages (which is supposedly ever so outdated) to having this wordpress site where I’ve got 5 different header.php and footer.php to get the different header and footer info on each page, and 5 different page.php templates to call their respective headers and footers. Now I’m starting on the sidebars, and it’s a nightmare — looks like I’ll need to do another 5 different sidebar.php files. Gone from 5 files to 20 and counting… argh!

    There should be an easy way to do this! I wish that on the ‘page’ edit screen, you could choose which header, footer, and sidebar to use, easily.

    thanks for any help anyone can provide!

    This is the exact problem I am having.

    Can someone advise?

    Hey…this link should help you out….https://elliotjaystocks.com/blog/archive/2008/wordpress-tutorialhow-to-apply-a-dynamic-body-class-or-id/

    Basically an easy way to accomplish this is to identify the div that you want changed for each page and replace it with this..

    <?php if (is_front_page()) { ?>
    <body class=”news”> <!– The default body class is “news” –>
    <?php } else { ?>
    <body class=”<?php echo $post->post_name; ?>”> <!– An alternative body class is defined, based on the page title –>
    <?php } ?>

    On my site I changed the header for each page so I changed the <body class” to <div id=”header”. I utilized the .htacess permalinks so the page name would reflect the div in my css.

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