Hi @jwayk016,
PayPal Payments provides two different methods to accept card payments:
- Standard Card Payments
- Advanced Card Payments
Standard Card Payments are card payments via the black “Credit/Debit Card” button.
By default, this button may be displayed within the PayPal gateway. So there are multiple payment buttons within the PayPal WooCommerce gateway.
With the Standard Card Button feature, you can separate this button from the PayPal gateway into a separate payment gateway.
Then you would have a PayPal and Credit/Debit Card radio buttons on your Checkout page.
From a payment perspective, the black button is always a Standard Card Payment, and it works the same whether it is separated into its own gateway or not. This button is an iframe provided by PayPal, and PayPal controls the look and behavior of the iframe.
Advanced Card Payments on the other hand provide you with more flexibility. This feature is only available for business accounts in certain regions and generally is the recommended option, if you are eligible.
This option integrates “hosted fields” on your site, which are a bit like iframes from PayPal, but these can be styled with CSS to match the look of your site.
You can read more about the differences in this section: https://woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-paypal-payments/#paypal-card-processing-acdc
especially let me know which, if any, I should avoid if I don’t want to store credit card data on my website/in my website database
Neither card payment option stores any sensitive payment data on your site. All card details are processed directly on the PayPal servers. You can view the iframe or hosted fields as a small window to the PayPal servers. So when customers enter their card details on your Checkout page, they are actually entering the details on the PayPal server and your site does not know any details, e.g. card numbers.
Advanced Card Payments can be used with Vaulting to save credit cards for future payments: https://woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-paypal-payments/#vaulting-saving-a-payment-method
But this would also only store the details on the PayPal servers and not on your site.
I hope this clears it up!
Let us know if any questions remain.
Kind regards,