• Hello there,

    I am using the text editor for basic blog writing. If I change the font colour of one word or a group of words to a different colour it sometimes puts them all on a new line if the different coloured words don’t all fit on the same line

    black black black black text .
    red red red red red red red red red text .
    black text .

    instead of

    black black black black text red red red .
    red red red red black black black etc .

    How do I stop this from happening so that text of different colours can continue on the same line without breaks, independent of different colours?

    Kind regards

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  • Hi in your text view :

    <span style="color:#000000;"> Black text</span> <span style="color:#CCCCCC;">Gray Text</span>

    To make things easier you can add different classes to your style.css / custom.css and define font colors once.

    for example


    Then your span will be
    <span class=”blackt”></span> etc.

    All the best!

    Thread Starter errgentlemen


    Thank you very much

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