Hi there,
What is your site URL, and what exactly do you refer to when you say “stats and views”
Jetpack stats refer to everything you see when you click on My Site ->Stats on WordPress.com, or Jetpack ->Stats in the dashboard.
Jetpack primarily tracks two types of stats – visits and views. Every new browser session that lands on your site counts as a visit. Every individual page visited during that session counts as a view. So views will always be equal to or more than visits.
We also track referrals, for example if someone clicks a link to your site on Facebook. But you shouldn’t waste your time trying to look for a correllation between referrals and actual views: Not all traffic to your site come by referral (if someone types your URL directly into their browser, it’s not a referral). And even traffic that does come by referral will only record a referrer stat if 1) the site they’re coming from sends a referrer header with the traffic, and 2) the visitor themselves isn’t using a browser add-on to block referrer tracking. If the site linking to yours doesn’t send referrer headers, or the visitor is blocking tracking in their browser, no referrer will be recorded.