• I’ve been looking at setting up a blog environment for a group of students. WordPress was my initial choice, as I’m using it myself & am very familiar with it.
    However, I’ve started looking at Elgg, (www.elgg.net). One of the things that I particularly like about that is the fact that users can define groups of friends, and then say which group each post is visible to.
    As I want students to use the blogs primarily as a reflective tool, while they are working, I think that the ability to define an audience can be useful.

    I’ve had a hunt through the plugins, and though I’ve found a couple (postlevels, Angsuman’s Authenticated WordPress Plugin ), from what I can tell, both of them just allow you to have some posts that are open to a group of users, but you can only have one group, not multiple.
    Is there a plugin that I’ve not yet found that does what I’d like?

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  • I know what you mean. I have been looking for the same thing. I have searched and tried all the plug-ins that seemed like it might do the protected viewing of posts by user groups.

    After not doing what I needed it to do I found another blog software called Serendipity:

    It does do what I need through categories and user groups and its built in, also easy to install. But I have used WordPress for so long, I just wish I can continue. So I am on the fence right now.


    Hmm, good idea for a plugin. Give me a day or two and I’ll see what I can do.

    More complete/robust user-level control certainly would be great. Being able to define audiences as Emma says would be great. Being able to have areas for subscribers only would also be brilliant, and while that can be kludged together with some of the existing plugins, it’s just really rather cumbersome ?? AJD, looking forward to see what you can hatch.

    All right during a break I did one. It is very basic for now, but I will update it when I have more time in a week or so.

    It does offer unlimited groups, but each user can only be part of the main group and one other group.

    This is a very basic plugin that hasn’t been tested very much, PLEASE test it yourself (and report any bugs if they exist) before using it in a live environment.

    Cool, I’ll have a look when I get back from work.

    Question: the description on your site talks about creating groups, but not how to limit viewing of posts for a certain group only, which I thought was the main purpose of the original question. Does the plugin address this yet?

    //Edit: Because if it’s just managing roles… there’s a most excellent one already out there: https://redalt.com/wiki/Role+Manager

    When you post a new message you can choose what group can see it. Only person(s) in that group are able to view the message through the site.
    Really there isn’t much to the plugin yet, but I’ll work on it next week after I get a bigger project out of the way.

    I did a complete rewrite of the post explaining how it works. I don’t know what was going through my head before.

    Thread Starter emmadw


    Thanks, Ajd; I’ll have a look at it in the next couple of days – I’m just a bit bogged down at the moment!


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