Hi everyone,
Actually remove_theme_support() must be called from a hook. WooCommerce plugin add these zoom, lighbox & slider supports after theme setup. Whenever by trying to remove these 3 supports in functions.php calls it before the support was actually added.
By writing following code in your theme’s functions.php file will remove the zoom, lighbox & slider support globaly, for every product.
function remove_some_woo_features(){
remove_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-zoom' );
remove_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-lightbox' );
remove_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-slider' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'remove_some_woo_features', 99 );
3rd parameter in the plugin, which is 99, makes sure that our function is called very late so it runs after WooCommerce functions.
@createandcode please update your plugin code accordingly so it works for everyone.
Thank you.