Hi tgeorge, yeah you are right, but I am talking about the official support. The W3 EDGE CEO wrote to me and asked my credentials, but he didn’t get back to me.
The plugin was giving me the “CGI script: zend_mm_heap corrupted” error in one of my pages. I tried to change the config with no luck.
However, when I went in the Browser Cache tab, in the HTML & XML section and disabled “Set W3 Total Cache header” and “Enable HTTP (gzip) compression”. The zend_mm_heap corrupted stopped appearing. Then when I re-enabled it, the error was still not appearing. Good.
Today when I enabled the “Set expires header” on the “General” section, the “CGI script: zend_mm_heap corrupted” re-appeared, but this time for mydomainhomepage.com, not a page, the whole site was having that error!
At this point I did the same as before. In the HTML & XML section and disabled “Set W3 Total Cache header” and “Enable HTTP (gzip) compression”. The zend_mm_heap corrupted stopped appearing. Then I re-enabled them, and it looks like ok.
I don’t know what’s happening. Maybe my phpinfo() can help the developers, maybe there is something to change there…. but if they do not write ….