• Hi there, I’ve installed the Ad Code Manager plugin, added an ad onto Google DFP and added the ACM widget into my header. I’ve created a new Tag into Ad Code Manager with my ad tag and my publisher ID and saved it. I load the site and there’s a blank space where the ad should be.

    I look at the source of the page and where the ad should be I see this:

    <li class="widget widget-header"><div id="acm-ad-tag-%tag_id%" style="width:%width%px; height:%height%px;"><script type="text/javascript">
    googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('acm-ad-tag-%tag_id%'); });

    So it seems that the variables in the % signs aren’t being replaced as they should. Do I need to add any additional code into my template in order to get the replacement to work correctly, or am I just doing something monumentally idiotic as usual?

    Thanks in advance!


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