• So, basically I’m looking for an if statement what will display some <divs> and the content in the secondary html field only if the field has content to output to the page.


    <?php if( ...the_secondary_content() has content to output...) : ?>
    <div class="someClass">
    <?php the_secondary_content(); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    I’m rather new to php, maybe I’m just missing something. Any help in creating such an if statement would be appreciated.


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  • Hi, Did you have any luck with this?

    Here is how I did it, someone with more knowledge can correct me if this isn’t a good way ??

    //check to see if my 2nd html block is filled out, i.e. not empty
    <?php if (the_secondary_content( 'main hero content' )) {
      //if so then print the content
     the_secondary_content( 'main hero content' );

    Note, replace “main hero content” with your blocks name. Tested with shortcodes and straight html/text. Hope that helps!

    So on further playing around with it I realized that I had the wrong function. Here is the correct function that returns the content to be stored in the variable.

    $my_content = get_secondary_content( 'main hero content' );
    if (NULL != $my_content): ?>
    	<section class="tab-pane active" id="what">
    	<?php echo $my_content; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    The <section> is just html5. You can put whatever html you want between the opening and closing if statements and it will only print out if you have content in your secondary content block. Note that you have to echo the content if you want it to show up (which is why I stored it in a variable).

    Thanks for your reply. I got it working with something similar, I think the key is to use get_secondary_content rather than the_secondary_content.

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