Hi! Unfortunately it is not possible to influence the priority of Menu Cart. You may want to check the alignment setting though, if that’s set to ‘right’, this may be a simple matter of using the default alignment.
A more complicated solution is modifying the position of the menu cart item with jQuery:
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'wpmenucart_move_position' );
function wpmenucart_move_position() {
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$(".wpmenucartli").each( function() {
// count number of items in menu
$parent_menu = $(this).closest('ul');
var items_count = $parent_menu.children('li').length;
var position = items_count - 1; // could be - 2 or 3, not sure about the WPML menu items
$(this).insertBefore( $parent_menu.children('li').eq(position) );
If you don’t like using jQuery for this, there’s an even more complex server side/PHP solution:
* Apply WP Menu Cart repositioning filter to all menus from the settings
add_action( 'init', 'wpmenucart_filter_nav_menus' );
function wpmenucart_filter_nav_menus() {
global $wpMenuCart;
// exit if no shop class is active
if ( !isset($wpMenuCart->shop) )
// exit if no menus set
if ( !isset( $wpMenuCart->options['menu_slugs'] ) || empty( $wpMenuCart->options['menu_slugs'] ) )
if ( $wpMenuCart->options['menu_slugs'][1] != '0' ) {
add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_' . $wpMenuCart->options['menu_slugs'][1] . '_items', 'wpmenucart_reposition_item' , 999, 2 );
* Modify the $items string to put Menu Cart in a predefined position
function wpmenucart_reposition_item( $items, $args ) {
$new_position = 2; // change this to the position of your choice
// we need to add a parent node to be able to handle this properly
$ul = '<ul id="wpmenucart-menu">'.$items.'</ul>';
// $ul is flat HTML, so we convert it to DomDocument first
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom_ul = $dom->getElementById('wpmenucart-menu');
$wpmc_item = $dom->getElementById('wpmenucartli');
$node_position = 1;
foreach ($dom_ul->childNodes as $childNode) {
// skipping non-li nodes
if ( !isset($childNode->tagName) || $childNode->tagName != 'li' ) {
// exit if we've found our node
if ($new_position == $node_position) {
$before = $childNode;
// now that we know which node we want to put the Menu Cart before, we can move it
// convert dom back to HTML
$ul = $dom->saveHTML();
// strip our ul wrapper again
$open_ul_pos = strpos($ul, '<ul id="wpmenucart-menu">') + strlen('<ul id="wpmenucart-menu">');
$close_ul_pos = strrpos($ul, '</ul>');
$snippet_length = $close_ul_pos - $open_ul_pos;
$items = substr($ul, $open_ul_pos, $snippet_length);
return $items;
But like I said, this is pretty advanced stuff…
Hope that helps though!