• I tried doing a couple of searches of the forum and didn’t find an answer to this so I thought I’d ask.

    I’m in the process of attempting to migrate off the ExpressionEngine platform to individual WP installs for the various blogs I either host or run myself. The suggested method of doing this is to use the MT Import format to make the transition, but there are two problems with that approach: 1) I lose all my tags (I’m using a tag module) and my category hierarchy is lost and 2) there’s no way to specify an email for the author of entries so when WP makes the users for the entries not authored by myself those users have no way of getting their passwords reset for their accounts.

    I thought I’d just make a template for EE that would output all the data needed for a WXR file, but I can’t seem to locate any info on what that file should consist of. So I set up a test WP install and exported a sample file. I now have an EE export template that is about 85% functional which is far from perfect. Of the 10 entries I export from EE with it WP imported 6 and screwed up their order and didn’t like the dates on some of them.

    So what I’m looking for is a detailed notation of what constitutes a WXR file. What lines are mandatory and what lines will WP fill in automatically if they’re not provided in the file. I think I can make an EE template that would work 100% if I had that info. Can anyone point me to where I might find some documentation on WXR?

    Thanks ahead of time.

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  • Disclaimer: Not a dev nor guru here, but from experience ??
    WordPress eXtended RSS (WXR) import involves getting following basic information below. You can download a sample XML file for importing to WP at https://wpcandy.com/articles/easier-theme-development-with-the-sample-post-collection.html and open it up.

    At the beginning of e.g. expressionengine.xml file for import to WP install

    <rss version="2.0"
    <channel>, <title>, <link>, <description>, <pubDate>, <generator>, <language>, <wp:wxr_version>1.0</wp:wxr_version>, <wp:base_site_url>, <wp:base_blog_url>, <wp:category><wp:category_nicename>(parent and child categories), <wp:tag><wp:tag_slug>
    up to just before the first <item> tag

    At the bottom of expressionengine.xml e.g. the closing


    In between, each post is within <item> and </item>

    <title>Another Post with Everything In It</title>
    <pubDate>Wed, 17 Sep 2008 22:10:16 +0000</pubDate>
    		<category><![CDATA[Child Category I]]></category>
    		<category domain="category" nicename="child-category-i"><![CDATA[Child Category I]]></category>
    		<category><![CDATA[Parent Category I]]></category>
    		<category domain="category" nicename="parent-category-i"><![CDATA[Parent Category I]]></category>
    		<category domain="tag"><![CDATA[tag1]]></category>
    		<category domain="tag" nicename="tag1"><![CDATA[tag1]]></category>
    		<category domain="tag"><![CDATA[tag2]]></category>
    		<category domain="tag" nicename="tag2"><![CDATA[tag2]]></category>
    		<category domain="tag"><![CDATA[tag5]]></category>
    		<category domain="tag" nicename="tag5"><![CDATA[tag5]]></category>
    <guid isPermaLink="false">https://dev.wpcoder.com/dan/wordpress/2008/09/53-revision/</guid>
    <wp:post_date>2008-09-17 17:10:16</wp:post_date>
    <wp:post_date_gmt>2008-09-17 22:10:16</wp:post_date_gmt>

    Further assistance can also be found at

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