But no comment field shows up!! Please please help! I’m launching a podcast soon and need people to be able to interact with me on my blog…
]]>it might also be a problem with your theme – please ask the developers of the theme for support.
]]>Now I feel like I have to hold off on my new podcast launch AGAIN because I can’t get comments enabled.
Any suggestions????
]]>Would the browser make a difference like this?
I truly thank you so very much for your help. Your patience is so appreciated.
]]>Would the browser make a difference like this?
It could.
I recommend bringing the issue to the attention of the developer of your nuzi
For pro or commercial product support please contact the author directly on their site. They cannot support their customers here.
Commercial products are not supported in these forums. As you are their customer I am sure they will have no problem supporting you there. Also, forum volunteers are not given access to commercial products, so they would not know why your commercial theme or plugin is not working properly.