• Hello-

    Getting ready to promote and go live with our site and realized that designated funds is not working. Reading through support it looks like this is a known bug but I am unsure if it has been resolved.

    Would be willing to donate if I could get some ASAP help on this one? it is important part of what we are hoping to accomplish.

    Very much hoping to hear back ASAP. Again, will pay for help on this?

    Thank you


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  • Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    Well, I’m making 4.0 coding a top priority. While I’m not one to turn down cash, the fact is there’s nothing (in a Mythical Man Month sense) that can make it go faster other than coding.

    Where you can really help accelerate the process is sign up for the mailing list and check back here regularly. There will be a day when I’m going to desperately need beta testers to bug-test and provide feedback. A huge help would be testing the beta and letting me know what’s not working. In fact, I’m counting on all of you for that.

    THAT’s when I’ll be able to make the changes you need, if they’re not already in the beta.



    Same problem here. Fund is never assigned to a donation. Version 4.0.3

    We’re having this issue as well for https://partnersforparks.org/donate/

    Keeps stating: “No fund specified”. The designated fund is not assigned to the donation even though the user has chosen it. Version 4.0.3

    Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    Try the new 4.0.5 beta. Let’s see if that gets you further along. See the stickies in the forum for a link.


    Thanks, with 4.0.5 funds are now working.

    They seem to be saved as post meta to a donation using the fund’s title. Would it be possible to use the fund’s ID or create a second meta entry with the ID? Seems more error proof.


    Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    I’ll look into it. Good suggestion.


    Thanks David! Looks like the new 4.0.5 beta fixed the issue. The designated fund shows up with the donation.

    Works in both Firefox and Chrome but noticed that I keep getting an error in Safari that states: “Sorry — your last action could not be completed”. This occurs after you have filled out the donation form and click the Paypal button to go to the Paypal payment page. Not sure if this is related to the plugin or Paypal.

    Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    I noticed that, too, but I think it might have been PayPal since it seemed to occur inside the PayPal transaction itself, once the first click through, another time three clicks into PayPal. As far as I can tell, SD is delivering its payload to PayPal (you can tell if the amount donated is right when it arrives on the PayPal page).

    Let me know if this continues and if others find similar problems, especially before reaching PayPal.

    Hello, I tried out 4.0.3 and 4.0.5 (from the 4.0.6 link) and neither of them seem to allow me to show the “I would like to designate this donation to a specific fund” option.

    All I need to do is check the “Designated Funds Checkbox and Section” checkbox in the form options tab, right? Or is there special markup I’m supposed to include in the page?

    I created a Fund, but there doesn’t seem to be any way to make it “Display on Donation Form” either.

    Maybe I’m doing a lot of things wrong?

    Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    Yep, all you need is to set to “Show”: Designated Funds Checkbox and Section.

    It’s possible you’ve got something on the theme that’s conflicting with display. Try a basic theme and see if that works. Or do an “inspect element” right under the donation amount and see if you see a list of funds. If you do, then you’re definitely seeing a theme issue.



    Thanks for the reply. I inspected the element, but saw no list of funds anywhere in the page. It should be under the ‘.dgx-donate-form-donation-section’ class, no?

    I’m confident I’m doing something wrong because I lack familiarity with WordPress and I’ve adopted this website.

    Here’s what I did:
    1) Clicked the “Funds” option in the left menu
    2) Clicked “Add New”
    3) Typed in a title where it said “Enter title here”
    a) NOTE: The “Fund Settings” box has no options (see screenshot)
    4) Published the fund
    5) Clicked on “Seamless Donations” option in left menu
    6) Clicked “Form Options” in the tab bar
    7) Selected “Show” for “Designated Funds Checkbox and Selection” option (see screenshot)
    8) Added a new page and dropped [seamless-donations] into it
    9) Preview page and the options are not there (see screenshot)

    Maybe – with those instructions – it’s obvious what I’m doing wrong. Maybe not? I’m really excited to try Seamless Donations!

    Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    Looks right. If you want, send me a link to your site. If you don’t want to post it publicly, send it to me privately at https://zatzlabs.com/contact-us/.

    Just include a link to this thread so I know what the subject is when I get the email.


    P.S. What does the button say at the bottom of that set of form options? It should be “Save Fields”.

    P.P.S Unresolving this thread because it’s clearly not yet resolved.

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