I’d love for you to proof me wrong because I really like your product. Time is money and funds are very limited in the economy so I’m very careful whom I shop from. I’ve lost so much money to bad plug in descriptions.
Are all these features are available on the free version?
?Classic month view (like Google Calendar)
?Multi-month view (show a configurable number of months at once)
?Day view
?Week view
?Multiple configurations for the views, the same view can be used in a very different way
?Allows multiple views for the same event calendar on the same page
?Configurable start day of the week
?Can be setup to edit the events from the public website
?You can select which button show/display (ex: navigation buttons, refresh button, others…)
?The event calendar information can be displayed in many ways: Title on the event calendar + tooltip on mouse over or Title on the event calendar + tooltip on mouse click
?Events can have a location and an extended rich text description
?Multiple selectable colors to highlight events in the calendar
?Events can be linked to other pages.
?Can be setup to use a 12 or 24 hour clock.
?Can be setup to display only the weekdays needed
?Fast Ajax load for the events data