Derailed by Trac (plugin repository)
I don’t know where else to post this. I’m not a developer, but a WP user, and a plugin researcher (will this one do cool stuff for my site?), downloader, and installer.
In the last day and a half, I’ve followed links to two different plugins, and read verbage to the effect of “It’s now located at the plugin repository.” I follow the link there, and, frankly, I’m baffled.
branches? tags? trunk? I’m sorry, but I don’t know which of those items contains the plugin. I spent a little while yesterday clicking various links
Browse plugin (oh, that effectively reloads the page I’m on)
Click up the hierarchy. No help there.
Click in the folders. Nope, nothing in any of them.
Click around elsewhere. All links and destinations tell me pretty much: this is a place for developers. We have this easy-to-use [!] tool for you to versioning subversioning control ticket authors blah blah blah… all of which tell me, a user, “Get the hell away from here; this place is not for you!!” So I left.Today I followed another link there, and this one took me into the trunk directory which actually contained some files that look kinda like other plugin file names I’ve seen (now we’re starting to get somewhere). But there were more files than were listed on the referring page, and directions to click some “as original” link at the bottom of the page. Nope, I didn’t see anything like that. (oh! wait a second, I did after clicking the link to the file itself. So in order to download 5 files, I had to click 10 links: one to the file, then scrollscrollscroll to the bottom of the page, then click the Save As Original link. Multiply times 5.).
I gather the whole thing is pretty new and developers are still finding their way, but is this place designed to be used by “end users,” such as myself, and if so, will it always be this difficult?
What happened to some nice way to download all the contents of the plugin, i.e., as a pluginname.gz or file? Is there no way to use this system to generate a compressed archive on the fly?
Any way to add something to the effect of a link or blurb at
root/pluginName level… (below all the site nav stuff at top and above the Name/Rev/Age/LastChange line) …something that’s directed to the end user that answers the question, “what to do now that you’re here”?Here’s hoping that these questions help to make it the plugin repository a better place. I think. I hope.
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