• Hello,

    I am adapting WP as a CMS for our libraries website… the issue I have is that, on the furthes most pages of a branch (of the tree), there are no children… this makes my navigation look bear… I want to show the children of the previous layer (IE… The same NAV that was on the page that led to the outermost page)

    my code is:

    			// Get $post if you're inside a function
    			global $page;
    			if (is_page() && $post->post_parent ) {
    				// This is a subpage
    				echo "<ul>";
    				echo "</ul>";
    			$children = wp_list_pages('depth=-2&title_li=&&child_of='.$post->ID.'&echo=0');
    			if ($children) { ?>
    <!--[if IE]>
    <style> .highlight_2_col{margin-left: -00px !important;}</style>
    			<div id="children">
    					<?php echo $children; ?>

    can anyone help?

    Wes Crockett

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  • hexa6on


    check your “&” symbols. They’re not in the right places…

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