Deprecated: wpseo_opengraph Update 14.0.1
Hi Friends, We updated to 14.0.1 but notification persists: Deprecated: wpseo_opengraph has been deprecated since version 14.0 Use wpseo_frontend_presenters instead. in /path/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5088
Regards !
This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
Hi @loorlab,
are you using the
filter in your code somewhere? Or are you using other plugins that hook into Yoast SEO?I am having the same issue. To say its annoying is an understatement.
When you have these added features in any number, finding the culprit is time consuming and tedious. Its easy to say disable the plugs ins till you find the offending one, except when you have people using your system you can not just turn something off without repercussions.
I would gratefully appreciate a fix for these deprecated features that doesn’t involve hours worth of debugging.
If a patch cant be done, at least point me to the file I need to change the variable.Hi @joostdevalk , We search for this parameter in our code and find the following:
site\\wp-content\plugins\polylang\modules\plugins\wpseo.php (1 hit) Line 38: add_action( 'wpseo_opengraph', array( $this, 'wpseo_ogp' ), 2 ); site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\admin\class-admin-init.php (1 hit) Line 443: 'wpseo_opengraph' => [ site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\deprecated\frontend\class-opengraph-image.php (4 hits) Line 13: * Class WPSEO_OpenGraph_Image. Line 17: class WPSEO_OpenGraph_Image extends Images { Line 33: * @param WPSEO_OpenGraph $opengraph Optional. The OpenGraph object. Line 35: public function __construct( $image = null, WPSEO_OpenGraph $opengraph = null ) { site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\deprecated\frontend\class-opengraph-oembed.php (2 hits) Line 9: * Class WPSEO_OpenGraph_OEmbed. Line 13: class WPSEO_OpenGraph_OEmbed implements WPSEO_WordPress_Integration { site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\deprecated\frontend\class-opengraph.php (3 hits) Line 13: class WPSEO_OpenGraph { Line 89: _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '7.4', 'WPSEO_OpenGraph::image' ); Line 258: * Creates new WPSEO_OpenGraph_Image class and get the images to set the og:image. site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\inc\indexables\class-indexable.php (1 hit) Line 37: 'WPSEO_OpenGraph_Validator', site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\inc\indexables\validators\class-opengraph-validator.php (2 hits) Line 9: * Class WPSEO_OpenGraph_Validator. Line 11: class WPSEO_OpenGraph_Validator implements WPSEO_Endpoint_Validator { site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\inc\options\class-wpseo-taxonomy-meta.php (4 hits) Line 66: 'wpseo_opengraph-title' => '', Line 67: 'wpseo_opengraph-description' => '', Line 68: 'wpseo_opengraph-image' => '', Line 69: 'wpseo_opengraph-image-id' => '', site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\readme.txt (1 hit) Line 268: * Deprecates the <code>wpseo_opengraph</code> and <code>wpseo_twitter</code> actions. site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\src\builders\indexable-term-builder.php (4 hits) Line 146: 'wpseo_opengraph-title' => 'open_graph_title', Line 147: 'wpseo_opengraph-description' => 'open_graph_description', Line 148: 'wpseo_opengraph-image' => 'open_graph_image', Line 149: 'wpseo_opengraph-image-id' => 'open_graph_image_id', site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\src\generators\open-graph-image-generator.php (1 hit) Line 77: * For legacy reasons some plugins might expect we filter a WPSEO_Opengraph_Image object. That might cause site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\src\helpers\open-graph\image-helper.php (4 hits) Line 61: * Filter: 'wpseo_opengraph_is_valid_image_url' - Allows extra validation for an image url. Line 67: return (bool) apply_filters( 'wpseo_opengraph_is_valid_image_url', $is_valid, $image['url'] ); Line 77: * Filter: 'wpseo_opengraph_image_size' - Allow overriding the image size used Line 90: return \apply_filters( 'wpseo_opengraph_image_size', null ); site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\src\integrations\front-end\backwards-compatiblity.php (4 hits) Line 47: add_action( 'wpseo_head', [ $this, 'call_wpseo_opengraph' ], 30 ); Line 55: * Calls the old wpseo_opengraph action. Line 59: public function call_wpseo_opengraph() { Line 60: do_action_deprecated( 'wpseo_opengraph', [], '14.0', 'wpseo_frontend_presenters' ); site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\src\presentations\indexable-post-type-presentation.php (2 hits) Line 248: * Filter: 'wpseo_opengraph_show_publish_date' - Allow showing publication date for other post types. Line 254: if ( ! apply_filters( 'wpseo_opengraph_show_publish_date', false, $this->post->get_post_type( $this->source ) ) ) { site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\src\presenters\open-graph\article-author-presenter.php (3 hits) Line 26: * Run the article author's Facebook URL through the <code>wpseo_opengraph_author_facebook</code> filter. Line 32: * Filter: 'wpseo_opengraph_author_facebook' - Allow developers to filter the article author's Facebook URL. Line 38: return \trim( \apply_filters( 'wpseo_opengraph_author_facebook', $this->presentation->open_graph_article_author, $this->presentation ) ); site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\src\presenters\open-graph\description-presenter.php (3 hits) Line 26: * Run the Open Graph description through replace vars and the <code>wpseo_opengraph_desc</code> filter. Line 32: * Filter: 'wpseo_opengraph_desc' - Allow changing the Yoast SEO generated Open Graph description. Line 38: return \trim( \apply_filters( 'wpseo_opengraph_desc', $this->replace_vars( $this->presentation->open_graph_description ), $this->presentation ) ); site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\src\presenters\open-graph\image-presenter.php (3 hits) Line 75: * Run the image content through the <code>wpseo_opengraph_image</code> filter. Line 83: * Filter: 'wpseo_opengraph_image' - Allow changing the Open Graph image. Line 89: $image_url = \trim( \apply_filters( 'wpseo_opengraph_image', $image['url'], $this->presentation ) ); site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\src\presenters\open-graph\site-name-presenter.php (3 hits) Line 26: * Runs the site name through the <code>wpseo_opengraph_site_name</code> filter. Line 32: * Filter: 'wpseo_opengraph_site_name' - Allow changing the Yoast SEO generated Open Graph site name. Line 38: return (string) \trim( \apply_filters( 'wpseo_opengraph_site_name', $this->presentation->open_graph_site_name, $this->presentation ) ); site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\src\presenters\open-graph\title-presenter.php (3 hits) Line 26: * Run the title content through replace vars, the <code>wpseo_opengraph_title</code> filter and sanitization. Line 33: * Filter: 'wpseo_opengraph_title' - Allow changing the Yoast SEO generated title. Line 39: $title = (string) \trim( \apply_filters( 'wpseo_opengraph_title', $title, $this->presentation ) ); site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\src\presenters\open-graph\type-presenter.php (3 hits) Line 26: * Run the opengraph type content through the <code>wpseo_opengraph_type</code> filter. Line 32: * Filter: 'wpseo_opengraph_type' - Allow changing the opengraph type. Line 38: return (string) \apply_filters( 'wpseo_opengraph_type', $this->presentation->open_graph_type, $this->presentation ); site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\src\presenters\open-graph\url-presenter.php (3 hits) Line 33: * Run the url content through the <code>wpseo_opengraph_url</code> filter. Line 39: * Filter: 'wpseo_opengraph_url' - Allow changing the Yoast SEO generated open graph URL. Line 45: return urldecode( (string) \apply_filters( 'wpseo_opengraph_url', $this->presentation->open_graph_url, $this->presentation ) ); site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\vendor\composer\autoload_classmap.php (4 hits) Line 338: 'WPSEO_OpenGraph' => $baseDir . '/deprecated/frontend/class-opengraph.php', Line 339: 'WPSEO_OpenGraph_Image' => $baseDir . '/deprecated/frontend/class-opengraph-image.php', Line 340: 'WPSEO_OpenGraph_OEmbed' => $baseDir . '/deprecated/frontend/class-opengraph-oembed.php', Line 341: 'WPSEO_OpenGraph_Validator' => $baseDir . '/inc/indexables/validators/class-opengraph-validator.php', site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\vendor\composer\autoload_static.php (4 hits) Line 353: 'WPSEO_OpenGraph' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/deprecated/frontend/class-opengraph.php', Line 354: 'WPSEO_OpenGraph_Image' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/deprecated/frontend/class-opengraph-image.php', Line 355: 'WPSEO_OpenGraph_OEmbed' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/deprecated/frontend/class-opengraph-oembed.php', Line 356: 'WPSEO_OpenGraph_Validator' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/indexables/validators/class-opengraph-validator.php', site\\wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\wpml-config.xml (1 hit) Line 12: <custom-field action="translate">_yoast_wpseo_opengraph-description</custom-field>
Two Plugins : wordpress-seo + polylang
PD :
Thanks !
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
I am also using Polylang and get the same “wpseo_opengraph is deprecated since version 14.0! Use wpseo_frontend_presenters instead” error. My other websites that are not using Polylang don’t seem to be affected by the Yoast 14.0.1 update.
I used WP Rollback to roll back Yoast to version 13.5 and the error disappeared. So, now I know that the Yoast update combined with Polylang caused the error. This makes sense because Polylang uses Yoast data.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
@bluelacyseo2 Thanks for your info !
Cheers !
For those of you that were having problems with the “wpseo_opengraph” error with Yoast 14.0.1, have you tried updating to the newly released 14.0.2? I haven’t tried it yet.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
The Problem presists in Yoast 14.0.2
If you’re using polylang, they’re working on an update to be compatible with Yoast SEO 14.0, you can follow along here.
In general: a deprecation error means that they’re using old code that soon might not work anymore, or already doesn’t work anymore. Under no circumstances should you this error on a live site, as it only shows when
is enabled and this should never be enabled on a live site.Thanks for the update.
Hi does someone knows when is going to be this problem solved. thank you.
I had this problem and error and I solved in this way:
1. Try to open public_html/wp-includes/functions.php and replace line 5088 with wpseo_frontend_presenters and save it
2.Try to open public_html/wp-config.php and find the WP_DEBUG and change TRUE to False and save it.
3. After refresh your website this error should be solve.Best regards-Daniel Roostania
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
@elportaldiplomatico Polylang is still working on an update for compatibility with Yoast SEO 14.0, but you can view the progress of it here.
devhihil, thanks for the update.
@loorlab If you are using WPML or PolyLang, we would suggest temporarily reverting to version 13.5 of the Yoast SEO plugin until the developers of the respective plugins release an update for compatibility with Yoast SEO version 14.
You can revert back to the 13.5 version by downloading it and then performing a manual update of the plugin. You can download version 13.5 by performing the following steps:
Click on the ‘Advanced View’ option (this is beneath the plugin version information near the bottom)
?Under ‘Previous Version’ select the version
?Click the ‘Download’ button.After downloading the 13.5 version of the plugin, you would next need to perform a manual update of the plugin. We have instructions on how to upgrade the plugin manually at the following link: You will need an FTP program such as FileZilla and your FTP details, which can be obtained from your host provider.
Hello There, i’ve check all files of my website to try to found “wpseo_opengraph”. And all files who are concerned are Yoast SEO and Yoast WooCommerce files. So i think there is an issue of these plugins.
(that it seems all others plugins don’t call wpseo_opengraph).
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
- The topic ‘Deprecated: wpseo_opengraph Update 14.0.1’ is closed to new replies.