Deprecated Widget Constructor FIX
This is mostly a notice to everyone else looking for a solution to this problem, since the plugin hasn’t been updated in a while. I noticed the widget constructor in widget-feedburner-email.php is still using the old format. WP core deprecated the old PHP4 constructors in July 2015, WP 4.3 (see notice:
It is a fairly simple fix that you can do yourself if you don’t want to wait for the plugin to be updated. Usually, I’m strongly against editing plugin files, but in this case this is probably the only way it will get fixed.
In widget-feedburner-email.php change line 21 from
$this->WP_Widget('FeedburnerEmailWidget', 'Feedburner Email Widget', $widget_ops);
parent::__construct( 'FeedburnerEmailWidget', 'Feedburner Email Widget', $widget_ops );
You can also choose to change the plugin information at the top (specifically name, version, and URI) if you wish to prevent future updates from the plugin. However, it may never get updated — and if it does, hopefully this fix will be implemented. I won’t be changing the info on my site.
Hope this helps someone.
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