Thank you. Indeed WordPress itself still seems to keep using lots of deprecated jQuery functions.
To get the warning, I needed to check a box in jQuery Migrate Helper’s dashboard, then after reloading a page, look up the log in the dashboard’s second tab.
It doesn’t tell with what to replace it though, unlike other functions have their replacement shown in the browser console. Official gives typeof x === "function"
“in most cases”.
Luckily in Footnotes’ case it seems to work. At least the plugin seems to keep working, tooltips are still functional. We can only hope that the fix doesn’t generate a new bug somewhere.
Thank you a lot for directing us to fix this issue!
As you know, despite my label I’m not a plugin author. I’m helping with some maintenance when I can. Earlier I asked WordPress to sync labels with reality, but the very role scheme used in the blog engine is wrong, mistaking publishers for “authors”, while calling “contributors” only those who cannot publish. Sadly the easy fix of unregistering me for commits after registering a second account didn’t come to mind earlier. Departing from the status quo so late is not likely to be well-taken.