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  • I fixed the notices and warnings by

    1. Replacing
    $exact = $this->query_instance->query_vars[‘exact’];
    $exact = isset($this->query_instance->query_vars[‘exact’]) ? $this->query_instance->query_vars[‘exact’] : ”;

    2. Replacing
    $sentence_term = $wpdb->escape( $s );
    $sentence_term = esc_sql( $s );

    3. Adding $where = ”; and $sentence = false; in se_build_search_comments() function and se_build_search_excerpt() function

    4. And replacing
    $s = $this->query_instance->query_vars[‘s’];
    if (isset($s)) {
    $s = $s = $this->query_instance->query_vars[‘s’];
    } else {
    $s = ”;

    in se_postfilter( $postcontent ) function.

    It would be great if these warning could be fixed in next release of the plugins.

    brilliant!! truptig!!
    I got mine to work.
    I was looking for a search that include tags… and the original plugin broke my website :: somekind of condition in line #709 ????

    BUT I got it to work by making the changes above that you suggested.

    BUT: 3. Adding $where = ”; and $sentence = false; in se_build_search_comments() function and se_build_search_excerpt() function

    NUMBER 3 did not work, no matter where I added it in the search-everything.php file…

    It WORKS ! without step NUMBER THREE…

    Hope the devs get this notice and make the changes too…

    Hope you don’t mind, but since this topic is now older than 2 months, we are going to mark it as ‘resolved’.

    If you find yourself with any other questions or if there’s anything that’s not completely clear, do let us know, since we’ll gladly help!

    Take care & have a nice day!


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