• I am using WP mainly without Gutenberg and came across the issue that when editing a post cache-warmer is loading the post.js with the dependency wp-edit-post wich is dispatching the core/editor. We are creating our sites with ACF which has a check on the edit screen if gutenberg is enabled – checking this with:


    and wp.data.select(“core/edit-post”) returns then an object when cache-warmer plugin is active, because the wp-edit-post dependency is set in the post.asset.php file which is included class-assets-post-screen.php

    I suppose this is needed when using Gutenberg to have some display options on the edit-post page.

    My question now, could you check if Gutenberg is even used in the admin area and then only use the dependency when needed? This would prevent a lot of JS logic happening on the admin area on my sites and probably for other users that are not using Gutenberg at all.

    If there would be a hook/filter or anything else to disable this in the plugin, also fine. Not sure on how to handle that easily on your site, since I do not know what is actually happening on the edit post with Gutenberg active.

    Thank you,


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