• I’ll try to be brief because this is a free support.

    Own server. Values are at least double the recommened ones:

    • max_execution_time =?600
    • memory_limit?= 512M
    • post_max_size?= 128M
    • upload_max_filesize?= 128M

    1) Tried to import the first demo (Main), the site seems fine, but the button had written “Import failed” so not sure what went wrong. Could you make it more verbose?

    2) When browsing the demos from the customizer, the scroll bar doesn’t work and in console there are some not founds to external sites, eg:

    3) What is the recommended way to re-do an import of a specific sub-template, eg: Main or Color Mag 01?

    Thank you!

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  • Hi there,

    The above values are enough to import the demo data to your site. However, it may not be implemented if you use a shared host and change the server configuration by yourself. It may have been imported partially. If you want to confirm, you can check your post, page, or the media.

    If the demo is partially imported, you can ensure the server setup is not implemented.

    You can import the data on your existing server configuration, but you will need to run the same demo import simultaneously.

    Please import the demo when you get the import fail message. Then, reload the screen and repeat the process until you get the success message.


    Thread Starter DrLightman


    It turns out that Cloudflare cuts off requests that takes more than 100 seconds to execute, so even if my php max executiuon time is 600 or 6000 or 60000 it doens’t matter as per Cloudflare will always be 100 seconds.



    So I must find a way to disable Cloudflare in the admin area, that might prove impossibile, I don’t know.

    For maximum compatibility world wide (Cloudflare is widely used) you should keep the importer execution time under 100 seconds by importing less data (less posts?) or by splitting the single import requests into several smaller requests.

    As for the resetting import thing, I deleted some entries in wp_options containing the “colromag” string and I was able to run the importer again for better debugging it, after also deleting manually posts, media, widgets and menu created beforehand.

    Hi there,

    We provide the optimized data for the demo import. The recommended settings will be required if you want to import the demo data with images, dummy videos, and other resources. If you want to import the data on execution time 100, then you will need to import the data without any images or files.

    Please let us know if you are fine with the demo without the images. We will provide you with the file and instructions for importing the demo on your site.


    Thread Starter DrLightman


    I resolved by bypassing cloudflare in hosts file for the domain.

    Thanks for the support.

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