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  • Theme Author luzuk Themes


    Hello @inhull,

    There is no demo content in the theme but you can setup the theme by following the below steps,

    For Homepage Setup:

    1. Go to Dashboard >> Pages >> Add New, Create a new page and name it “Home” then select the template “Custom Home Page” and publish it.

    2. Go to Dashboard >> Settings >> Reading, Select the option of Static Page, and now select the page you created to be the homepage.

    For Top Header:

    1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customizer >> Theme Settings >> Top Header, add theme text, timing, Appointment button text & its URL, and publish it.

    For Middle Header:

    1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customizer >> Theme Settings >> Middle Header, add an email address, location, and social links, and publish it.

    For Bottom Header:

    1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customizer >> Theme Settings >> Bottom Header, add a phone number, and phone text, and publish it.

    For Slider:

    1. Go to Dashboard >> Pages >> Add New, Create a new Page and name it, add the content, featured image (Image Size (1400px x 650px)) and publish the page. Repeat this step for other sliders.

    2. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customizer >> Theme Settings >> Slider Settings, Click the checkbox of Show/Hide Slider, and select the pages of the slider that you have created.

    For Services Section:

    1. Go to Dashboard >> Posts >> Category, add a new category for the what we do section, name it, and publish it.

    2. Go to Dashboard >> Posts >> Add New, Create a new Post and name it, set its featured image, assign the services category and publish the post. Repeat this step for other service posts.

    3. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customizer >> Theme Settings >> Services Section, select the category that you have created, and publish it.

    For Footer Section:

    1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Widgets, here you can add widgets to the footer widgets areas, which can be seen in the footer.

    For Copyright Text:

    1. Go to Customizer >> Theme Settings >> Footer Text, add footer text here.

    Thank You.

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