Hi @kolumb55,
Sorry for the delay in response to this.
I have forwarded your mentioned requirement to our development team.
Our developer has added a filter to our plugin and created the custom code to achieve your requirements.
Here is the link to download the “print-content.php” file of our plugin that contains the filter code: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ewx9mxn9rxhynv5gkmwf0/print-content.php?rlkey=4fo8d0wx2l11j2aqn2ox0pnzb&dl=0
Kindly download this file and replace it with the existing file at: plugins\woocommerce-delivery-notes\templates\print-order\<HERE>
Once you have replaced the above file, please add these below code snippets under the “functions.php” file of your currently active theme.
//Remove shipping from order-item
function modify_order_item_extra( $totals_arr ) {
if ( isset( $totals_arr['shipping'] ) ) {
unset( $totals_arr['shipping'] );
return $totals_arr;
// Hook into the filter to apply modifications
add_filter( 'wcdn_order_extra_item', 'modify_order_item_extra' );
// Add shipping method to shipping address in WooCommerce delivery notes
function custom_wcdn_address_shipping( $formatted_address, $order ) {
$shipping_method = $order->get_shipping_method();
// Append shipping method to the formatted shipping address
$formatted_address .= '<p><strong>' . esc_html__( 'Shipping Method:', 'woocommerce-delivery-notes' ) . '</strong> ' . esc_html( $shipping_method ) . '</p>';
return $formatted_address;
add_filter( 'wcdn_address_shipping', 'custom_wcdn_address_shipping', 10, 2 );
// Add shipping method to billing address in WooCommerce delivery notes
function custom_wcdn_address_billing( $formatted_address, $order ) {
$shipping_method = $order->get_shipping_method();
// Append shipping method to the formatted billing address
$formatted_address .= '<p><strong>' . esc_html__( 'Shipping Method:', 'woocommerce-delivery-notes' ) . '</strong> ' . esc_html( $shipping_method ) . '</p>';
return $formatted_address;
add_filter( 'wcdn_address_billing', 'custom_wcdn_address_billing', 10, 2 );
Screenshot of how the shipping method will be displayed in the order-addresses section: https://prnt.sc/dga2RTtutBxX
Please check and let me know if the provided code snippet is working as per your requirement or not.