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  • I have this plugin installed and activated. Now I have absolutely no idea of what to do with it or how to make it actually do anything. I have read what little documentation I could find on it and none of it made even the least bit of sense to me.
    Is there anyone that would be willing to explain to me, in ‘dummies’ terms, exactly what I need to do and what I need to edit in order to make use of this?

    if you look at the plugin code, you’ll see the following declaration of the ‘delicious’ function.
    delicious($username, $count=15, $extended="title", $divclass="delPost", $aclass="delLink", $tags="yes", $tagclass="delTag", $tagsep="/", $tagsepclass="delTagSep", $bullet="", $rssbutton="no", $extendeddiv="no", $extendedclass="")
    call the function, delicious($username), where you want the output to display.
    replace $username with your user name.

    In the simplest case, you just add <?php delicious("your username") ?> whereever you want the links to show up.
    Personally, I use it like this: <?php delicious("serendipity/blog", 20, "body", "delPost", "delLink", "no"); ?> (“serendipity” is my username, and “blog” the tag I add to all the bookmarks that I want to appear on the blog). All variables after tha last one you explicitely enter get set to the default value.

    Thanks! I’ve got it in and it’s working now. Now I’ve just got to tweak it somehow to get it to match the style of the rest of the sidebar.



    Edit: (Replying to the post underneath mine by zpao)

    Thanks dude, works fine for me now ??



    dont forget the semicolon at the end of the line, it should read
    <?php delicious("basketball2k"); ?>
    hopefully that will be all you need



    PS. Is their a way I can make the code output something like

    <ul class="abc"><li class="dbe">Each Link</li>

    and have that for every link?

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