• So I just got all 2.9m of my mt-import file imported (in nice, bite-sized chunks). My post author name in the old blog was “Iki”. My WP admin username is “Iki”. When I imported, it asked me who I wanted to be the author of the posts, and I selected “Iki” from the drop down box and cleared “Iki” from the fill in text box where suggested author name goes.
    And still, it created a new user “Iki” who got all 1400 posts. Which is no big deal, because I found in these forums under “merging authors” where I could make every post assigned to user 3 (the duplicate Iki – someone else is user 2) switch so they are all assigned to user 1. So now I’ve got all my posts back, and I deleted user 3 from WP by making the permissions zero and then hitting that nice red “X”.
    The situation now is, whenever I make a new user the database acts like user #3 is still there, and it assigns the next number up. On my test blog, while I was trying to figure out how to import correctly, I ended up with like 4 extra users. I got rid of them all, and yet the next user after me was assigned #6. So the authors on the blog are now #1 and #6. Users 2, 3, 4, and 5 don’t exist on the blog because I deleted them, but they’re still existing somewhere in the database.
    It’s not a big deal, but I’ m so freaking anal retentive that this is driving me just a little bit crazy. If I have 3 authors, I’d like them to be #1, #2, and #3 – not 1, 2, and 8.
    Is there a way to go into phpmyadmin and delete the record of the users so that it will re-use those numbers? Or is that just not possible?

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  • Thread Starter iki


    I’ll give that a try. Thanks!

    Iki, even if there is no user with id #4, the next user will be user #5, this does not affect anything. The same goes for posts, since if you delete a post, there wont be a post with that id anymore, if you see what I mean. This in no way interferes with proper WP behavior.
    The importer’s behavior as you described it, seems strange to me.
    It should not have created an Iki when there already was one.

    I was thinking that there might have been something like “Iki ” in one or the other so, though they look the same, they are not.

    The same happened to me, it created another user called ‘admin’ after importing MT posts.
    It was easier for me though, as my blog has only one author and I don’t really care if the AuthorID continues incrementing skipping number 2. The import was with very few posts so was just matter of changing the number at phpMyAdmin.

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