Thank you for the answer. I have just two questions for further clarification.
#1 It appears that I still “lose” a record sometimes when I alter the survey instrument slightly – like if I modify the “Response” confirmation message that is sent when the form is submitted, or if I modify some questions (or the answer options) to some of the questions. By “lose” a record, I mean that I still get e-mailed the complete set of answers, but they just don’t appear in the table. It seems like this only happens for the first record after I have made a change like the ones I have described. Subsequent tests after the first one seem to perform just fine. Any ideas?
#2 When I examine the data in the table, the “info[form_sent]” and “info[form_received]” fields are consistently 4 hours ahead of the actual time. If the correct time is 10:00, it is being recorded as 14:00. I have double-checked the site wide clock and it is correct. Is there a separate control for the time reflected on forms through SurveyMe?
Thank you so much for your help.