Deleted some of footer.php without backup
I wasnt thinking earlier today and deleted some stuff out of my footer.php file. I am using Greyzed Theme
<!– begin widgetized footer –>
<?php if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(‘Footer Middle’) ) : ?>
<H4 class=”footerwidget”>Hello</H4>
$links = wp_list_bookmarks(‘title_li=&categorize=0&sort_column=menu_order&echo=0’);
$bookmarks = explode(”, $links);
$links = $bookmarks;
$link_n = count($links) – 1;
for ($i=0;$i<$link_n;$i++):
if ($i<$link_n/2):
$left = $left.”.$links[$i].”;
elseif ($i>=$link_n/2):
$right = $right.”.$links[$i].”;
<ul class=”left_blogroll”>
<?php echo $left;?><ul class=”right_blogroll”>
<?php echo $right;?><?php endif; ?>
<!– end widgetized footer –>
What Im trying to do is Change the “Hello” to something else in <H4 class=”footerwidget”>Hello</H4> .
I deleted some stuff in there but I do not remember what it was. Now if I change the “Hello” to something else it doesnt take effect on my website.Would anyone know if you can go back to the original footer.php file. Or would anyone happen to know some code I could add so I may change the “Hello” and also add other stuff under the “Hello”.
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