• Hi, I deleted the plugin and a lot of my images stop displaying. When viewing my site in the editor the images show. I looked at the source code when a page is being viewed and the images not showing when they should be and the crazy Lazy code is still in the images links.

    How can I get rid of the code that is still controlling my images?


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  • Are you using a caching plugin?

    All the best,

    Thread Starter bwashit


    Hi, yes I have a cache but this plugin was deleted well over a year I think. The code only shows up in the page when I’m viewing it outside of the editor. When I look at the source code crazy lazy have taking over the images.


    I used that attribute in the readme.txt for the image that’s showing.

    This is in the source code. <style>img.crazy_lazy{opacity:0}</style></head>

    <img style=”display:none” class=”crazy_lazy alignleft wp-image-1150 size-full” src=””

    Hope this help

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