Hi Arnold,
It’s possible in case of some technical issue only.
Read this article. Then check via myPhpAdmin or other SQL tool what roles are available, restore roles from the backup record created by URE or use data from the new fresh installed copy of WordPress.
In order you need to assign to the user ‘administrator’ role manually these SQL commands will help:
select * from wp_usermeta where user_id=1 and (meta_key='wp_capabilities' or meta_key='wp_user_level');
to check current permissions of user with ID=1 (replace with your own value if needed).
update wp_usermeta set meta_value='a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;}' where user_id=2 and meta_key='wp_capabilities';
update wp_usermeta set meta_value=10 where user_id=2 and meta_key='wp_capabilities';
to change a role for this user to the ‘administrator’.
In case your WordPress database prefix differs from the default ‘wp_’ replace ‘wp_’ with your own db prefix at all occurrences.