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  • Plugin Author simonpedge


    Hmmm, I cannot seem to replicate the error you getting when trying to delete slides, and I’ve just tried on 2 separate test sites.

    Try to see if you are getting some sort of JavaScript error by opening up your browser console (press CTRL + SHIFT + J together) and then performing a ‘Delete Slide’ and then see if any error message displays within the console. If so then this will give me something to work on.

    Also try editing your ‘wp-config.php’ file (in the root folder of your site) and change the ‘WP_DEBUG’ line to ‘true’ and then try deleting a slide. This will shor any PHP errors occurring. Change it back to ‘false’ once done testing.

    Thread Starter masterbassie


    I have the following errors but no php errors or console errors happen when I click delete.

    Plugin Author simonpedge


    Do you have a CodeMirror plugin installed?
    If so, try to disable this plugin and then try deleting a slide – I think there may me a clash with this plugin.

    Thread Starter masterbassie


    Ok i figured out that issue. However i have an issue where the style=”background-image….” is getting stripped out. It doesn’t seem to strip out all styles just that one

    Plugin Author simonpedge


    Hi, can you please provide me with more information on what you are trying to do?

    Thread Starter masterbassie


    I’m trying to use the following testimonial plugin with SA.

    This is the testimonial plugin in action

    Here is the slider

    When I add the shortcode the images don’t appear. I also tried adding just the html but it strips out the inline styling.

    Plugin Author simonpedge


    Ok, what you can do to get around this is change line 930 of /wp-content/plugins/slide-anything/php/slide-anything-admin.php
    $slide_content = wp_kses_post($_POST[$slide_edit_id]);
    $slide_content = $_POST[$slide_edit_id];

    An you need to change line 174 of /wp-content/plugins/slide-anything/php/slide-anything-frontend.php
    $output .= “<div style='”.esc_attr($slide_style).”‘>”.wp_kses_post($slide_content).”</div>\n”;
    $output .= “<div style='”.esc_attr($slide_style).”‘>”.$slide_content.”</div>\n”;

    Plugin Author simonpedge


    Hi, the latest version of Slide Anything, version 1.5 just released, should now work with your testimonial shortcode.

    Thread Starter masterbassie


    awesome thank you!

    Plugin Author simonpedge


    This has been resolved

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