Hi Guido,
You can query those options from options table (settings) through PHPMYADMIN, just select options table o your current installation, click search tab, and in option name type the theme prefix for example “twenty_twelve
” followed by %
and it should return all options with that name in the beginning..
This code perform that action without the need to go to your db manager:
global $wpdb;
$options = $wpdb->prefix."options";
$query = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM $options WHERE option_name LIKE 'theme_prefix_%'");
foreach( $query as $meta ) {
delete_option( $meta->option_name );
or simply delete_option( 'option_name' )
if you know the option names.
You you can apply all of this in an switch_theme
action hook: (which gets called when the theme is being deactivated)
add_action('switch_theme', function() {
global $wpdb;
$options = $wpdb->prefix."options";
$query = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM $options WHERE option_name LIKE 'theme_prefix_%'");
foreach( $query as $meta ) {
delete_option( $meta->option_name );
Have a nice day!